Wednesday 10 September 2008

Lung Cancer Risk Models Created For Specific Populations, Prediction Refined

�Lung cancer risk prevision models ar enhanced by taking into account hazard factors by race and by measuring DNA revivify capacity, according to inquiry teams light-emitting diode by epidemiologists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in two complementary papers appearing in the September issue of Cancer Prevention Research.

In the first study to focus on African-Americans, researchers found unique results based on increased exposure to sure risks. Based upon these findings, a specific model was developed to farther refine the predictability of lung cancer in this population, according to lead author Carol Etzel, Ph.D., assistant professor in M. D. Anderson's Department of Epidemiology.

"African-Americans cause similar risk factors for lung crab as Caucasians, but the risks tend to be higher, and there is a stronger association with occupational exposures, such as wood sprinkle and asbestos, than we have antecedently observed for whites," said Etzel. "Additionally, we determined the risks associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are substantially higher than those noted in Caucasian subjects." COPDs, such as emphysema, raise a person's risk for lung cancer.

The study focused on those wHO self-reported as being black, and world Health Organization represented or so 14 per centum of the overall survey population. Study participants were recruited from M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, TX. The ascendancy population, which was matched on the basis of age, sex activity and ethnicity, was recruited from Houston-area community centers and the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, Houston's largest multi-specialty mD group practice. The African-American model was validated on an main sample of African-American lung cancer cases and controls from deuce lung cancer studies organism conducted in metropolitan Detroit.

"The challenge for us is to test to promise which of the United States' estimated 45 trillion current smokers and 46 million sometime smokers ar at highest risk for developing lung cancer. Accurate prediction models may identify subgroups of these smokers who will benefit most from intensive screening programs and behavioural interventions," aforesaid Margaret Spitz, M.D., elderly author and professor in M. D. Anderson's Department of Epidemiology.

The previously published Spitz lung cancer risk prediction model was based solely on lung cancer cases and controls among Caucasian subjects. Internal and external validation results showed the prognostic power of the new African-American group-specific model to approach 79 percent, versus 66 percent for the original model.

"The predictive abilities are much improved with the new model and underscore the need for further race-specific modeling," aforesaid Spitz.

Expanding the Original Model

In the second paper, Spitz, the lead author, demonstrates that the predictive capability of her original poser which incorporates clinical and risk factor data, was improved by adding two measures of DNA remediate capacity.

The original Spitz model measured the following smoke intensity variables: Pack-years of smoking for current smokers and the age at which former smokers stopped smoking, physician-diagnosis of hay fever and emphysema, exposure to asbestos and dusts, and family unit history of cancer.

Suboptimal DNA repair capacitance is associated with up to twofold statistically significant increased lung cancer risks. By adding these measures of recompense capacity into expanded onetime smokers and current smokers models' equations, the sensibility of each were statistically significantly bettor than the baseline models. However, the sensitivity of these expanded models remains modest and further purification is plotted by incorporating data on nutrition and common genetic variation into even more sophisticated models.

According to the authors, "While the uniform advice for any tobacco user is quick cessation, reliable prediction models could be helpful in the context of both screening and prevention trials."

The data for both studies were derived from a long-term 17-year study of the epidemiology of lung cancer at M. D. Anderson funded by the National Cancer Institute and led by Spitz. This research was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, and the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute.

Participants of both studies were defined as "never smokers," or those world Health Organization had smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their lifetimes; "one-time smokers," world Health Organization had non smoked in more than a class; and "current smokers," which included individuals who had quit smoke within the past 12 months. Smokers were as well asked to report their use of mentholated cigarettes, and late smokers the age at which they stopped smoking.

Lung Cancer Facts

Over 85 percentage of all lung cancers occur in current or former smokers. Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer, killing more than 160,000 Americans p.a. and millions worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society, the incidence of lung cancer is close to 40 percent higher in African-American men, the death rate approximately 30 percent higher and the five-year endurance rate is 12 percent versus 15 percent for whites.

Spitz added, "The squad is working on a similar simulation targeting the Hispanic population. Our finish is to ultimately develop an synergistic risk assessment tool, a great deal like the Gail breast cancer risk assessment dick, to make lung crab prediction in various populations accessible for treating physicians."

"Development and Validation of a Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Model for African Americans": Co-authors with Etzel and Spitz ar: Sumesh Kachroo, M.S., Mei Liu, M.S., and Anthony D'Amelio, B.S., of M. D. Anderson's Department of Epidemiology; Waun Ki Hong, M.D., of M. D. Anderson's Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Oncology; Anthony J. Greisinger, Ph.D., of Kelsey Research Foundation, Houston; and Michele L. Cote, Ph.D., Ann G. Schwartz, Ph.D., and Angela S. Wenzlaff, M.P.H., all of Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

"An Expanded Risk Prediction Model of Lung Cancer": Co-authors with Spitz are Carol Etzel, Ph.D., Xifeng Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Qingyi Wei, M.D., Ph.D., Christopher I. Amos, Ph.D., and Qiong Dong, M.S., all of M. D. Anderson's Department of Epidemiology; and Waun Ki Hong, M.D. of M. D. Anderson's Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Oncology.

About M. D. Anderson

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston ranks as one of the world's most well-thought-of centers focused on genus Cancer patient fear, research, education and bar. M. D. Anderson is one of only 41 Comprehensive Cancer Centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. For four of the past six years, M. D. Anderson has ranked No. 1 in cancer care in "America's Best Hospitals," a survey published annually in U.S. News and World Report.

Source: Robin Davidson

University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

More info

Sunday 31 August 2008

Impotence or �to break off� in bed

U “to break off” in bed in that location is always a very real reason. And they can be fought

Offensive word “impotent man” you can forget. Now the problem with the potency Andrologists called sonorous term “erectile dysfunction”. And if doctors had earlier aim at any cost to run idle machinery, but now it is equally important - to dokopatsya reasons “to break off”.

Professor urologist-Andrologists Armais KAMALOV:

– Erectile dysfunction - the majority - not an independent disease, and concomitant factor. And 90% of patients with competent examination and treatment of the main disease can return the man’s strength and self-confidence.

In every age - their problems

Age - far from the main indicator of declining potency. Failures at the front could nakinutsya lovingly and in 18 - 20 years. Just in every age has its prevailing reasons.

Because try conditionally divided all “losers” into three groups

18 years - but no sex�

Professor of Psychiatry Michael VINOGRADOV:

– The first years of sex - is not only if buystvo hormones, but time and the final shaping of complexes and sexual preference. Up to 25 - 30 years most of the male sexuality have setbacks in psychological and vegetive basis.

Men generally more impressible, vulnerable and dependent on external circumstances. And reverence “oskandalitsya” in bed, perhaps the most authoritative men end-to-end life.

The char, even if it “headache”, “should call girlfriend” or “lacquer on the nails have not so far vysoh” - physiologically can always, even if we do non want. Man, on the contrary, even if he is hefty, may non always. In this, it is easier speaking, and there is a canonic difference in male and female sexuality.

So, the primary causes of disorders erectile function up to 30 years:

bad first experience - 50% of cases;

sexual complexes associated with excess behavior - 20%;

severe violations of metabolic process, obesity - 20%;

difficult running vegetative dystonia, a violation of circulation - 10%.

Why are men in their prime years

The second group - 40 men - 45 years. It is known that by 30 - 33 years in men already experiencing the peak of sexual activity. After 37 - 40 is its natural decline. That is, at beautiful women people still look back, but the desire to immediately “go to the numbered” no longer theoretical. Moreover, according to statistics, it is at this age for most couples accounted for the so-called “family crisis”, when the sexual feelings of spouses to each other prituplyayutsya. Do not ever forget that in 40 - 45 years old man, as a rule, “burns at work”. That is to primeshivayutsya emotional problems and even stress, and hypodynamia, and early atherosclerosis.

Generally atherosclerosis in recent years strongly pomolodel: already at 15% of young people under 30 years of age recorded vascular breach. Private phenomenon became “early” heart attacks. But “signals” about the problems with the heart and blood vessels organism can not give. And one of them - problems in bed. So if you are a man “in the prime years” and has already been noted in their potency problems, it is better to take the fullest possible survey.

The lower sugar, the higher dignity

Andrology say that the penis - a barometer, showing the overall health of men. And between what kolnulo heart the day before yesterday, and today released “reg” in bed, there is a clear link.

Here’s disease, which prevent these machi be:

Cardiovascular. Male sex organ and permeated with blood vessels. What do you want from him feats, if bad heart pump blood, and blood vessels obrastayut plaque?

Diabetes mellitus and endocrine problems. Proved that the decline of sugar from 7 to 5 mmol / L at 30% of erection and improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

Obesity. And in our country, among other things, 30% of men suffer unnecessary weight.

Being machi is never too late!

A third group - men over 50. Many believe that the loss of sexual attraction at this age - normally. That’s really not! Incidentally, at this age is very harmful sexual abstinence. A weakening of sexual function naturally, but its violation - often a sign of a serious illness. This may be the major breach in the cardiovascular system, and diabetes, and of the prostate adenoma. So that full and regular survey from Andrologists men “aged” just need.

What prevents men “aged”:

7 out of 10 men aged all over 50 years of eld suffer adenoma prostate secreter. It starts with benign prostate tumor violations urinating. In its development is characterized by simultaneous check and incontinence of piddle (ie wants badly, and may, on a bite and spontaneously). If the disease is not time to draw attention and run, it could principal to malignant entities.

Also declining sexual procedure for about 50 long time starting in men woe from diabetes. The fact is that small vessels, which ar in the lower extremities, and sexually member, diabetics have step by step ceased to function, which hampered erection.

And, of course, fears - too practically without them. Main - falling from a ticker attack, as they say, at the most interesting place. And by the way, in vain. Belgian scientists from the University of Brussels for 10 years, watched 50 manpower - 55 years, underwent heart attack. Those wHO have sexuality once a month and rarely feel worse of all, 70% of them have experient repeated heart attacks. And those wHO shortly later the hospital returned to normal, active sex life, is recovering faster.


According to statistics, 60% of cases decline in its potency through internal organs take the disease, 30% - mental and psychological problems, the odd 10% - “barilla team” of the first two.

More information

Monday 11 August 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Music Legend Isaac Hayes Dies At 65

R&B soul crooner Isaac Hayes, wHO laid the groundwork for disco and whose "Theme From Shaft" won both Academy and Grammy awards, died this afternoon after he collapsed near a treadmill, authorities said.

Hayes, 65, was pronounced dead at Baptist East Hospital in Memphis soon after he was found by his wife, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office aforesaid. The reason of death was non immediately known.

Hayes was one of the chief creative forces behind southern soul music label Stax Records, where he served as both an in-house songwriter and producer. In the recent 1960s, Hayes became a recording artist, and recorded successful soulfulness albums such as Hot Buttered Soul (1969) and Black Moses (1971) as the Stax label's premier artist.

His career collide with another high in 1997 when he became the voice of Chef, the sensible school cook and devoted ladies man on the animated TV prove "South Park."

He will be missed

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Wednesday 6 August 2008

Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band

Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band   
Artist: Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band



Feeling Good   
 Feeling Good

   Year: 1965   
Tracks: 10



Thursday 19 June 2008

Phats and Small

Phats and Small   
Artist: Phats and Small



Now Phats What I Small Music   
 Now Phats What I Small Music

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 10


Thursday 12 June 2008

Pioneer Square art walk covers a lot of ground

Pioneer Square offers traditional to contemporary art exhibitions the first Thursday of every month, so why not venture out tonight?

You can start a mile to the east with a studio tour of the newly opened Artspace Hiawatha Lofts. Then head to the Square to check out photography by Gregory Blackstock, who is autistic, as he packs you along to vacations across 26 states. And stretch your definition of the environment with an abstract exhibition on space and planets at SOIL Gallery.

Finally, award your adventuresome art spirit with some home-style Italian cooking.

Artspace Hiawatha Lofts Grand Opening

A grand opening for a new affordable-housing project whose 61 units include space for artist studios. The celebration includes an exhibition of the resident artists' work, along with music, entertainment and refreshments.

The project's developer, Minneapolis-based nonprofit Artspace, also created the Tashiro Kaplan Artist Lofts, a 50-unit affordable-housing development in Pioneer Square.

Celebration: 4-10 p.m. today, reception 5-6 p.m.

Address: 843 Hiawatha Place S., Seattle; 206-709-7611 or

Garde Rail Gallery

In celebration of the gallery's 10 years, it is showcasing the photography of Seattle artist Gregory Blackstock. His work features images from vacations across the country, through amusement parks, county and state fairs and boat races. And, opposed to traditional vacation shots, Blackstock provides a different view by including strangers and passers-by in his pictures.

Reception: 6-8 p.m. today.

Address: 110 Third Ave. S., Seattle; 206-621-1055 or

SOIL Gallery

An exhibition about personal perceptions of the environment, called "Deep Space Punctuated by Planets," featuring Matt Browning, Eric Elliott, Jonathan Hudak and Whiting Tennis.

The theme results in pieces in mixed media and found objects in rather abstract compositions.

Reception: 6-8 p.m. today.

Address: 112 Third Ave. S., Seattle; 206-264-8061 or

Café Bengodi

Pioneer Square is inundated with pubs and fast eats, but this place and its sister restaurant next door, Denunzio's Italian Restaurant, will force you to slow down, sit down and savor the food.

Try the garlic bread, the pescatore seafood pasta (I don't usually finish my plate, but I was close to licking this one clean) and the homemade tiramisu. All without breaking the bank — entrées average $10. Pastas are about $13, large sandwiches (with salad) are $8 and a pizza (big enough to share) is about $12.

Dinner hours: 5-9 p.m. daily

Address: 700 First Ave., Seattle; 206-381-0705 or

Marian Liu: 206-464-3825 or

See Also

Monday 2 June 2008

Dr Phil scraps Britney Spears show

Television psychologist Dr Phil McGraw has scrapped plans to air a show about troubled pop singer Britney Spears after he was criticised for visiting her while she was in hospital.
McGraw visited Spears at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, after she was admitted for an evaluation following a custody dispute at her home.
Several other counsellors later accused the therapist of breaching the singer's privacy by visiting her at the hospital.
However, McGraw said yesterday, in an interview with 'The Early Show', that he visited Spears "at the request of her family".
He claimed that the singer's mother, sister and brother "were very frustrated that she apparently wasn't going to be held (in hospital) for a longer period of time."
McGraw said that he had planned to tape a show on yesterday, stressing that the show would not have explored the tabloid side of Spears' problems, but instead would have focused on other issues surrounding her case.
"Clearly, it is not just Britney's family struggling to find a way to protect adult children who cannot be ordered or compelled to seek help," he said.
The television psychologist also said: "Because the Spears situation is too intense at this time, and out of consideration to the family, I have made the decision not to move forward with the taping."
McGraw said that details of his visit to Spears would remain private.
The singer was released from hospital at the weekend.

Slash joins Sunset Strip Music Festival lineup

Guns N Roses guitarist Slash, Everclear, Soul Asylum and Camper Van Beethoven are among the artists who have joined the lineup for the first-ever Sunset Strip Music Festival.

The three-day event is set to take place June 26-28 at legendary Los Angeles venues including the Roxy, Whisky A-Go-Go, House of Blues, Viper Room, Key Club and the Cat Club along the 1.3-mile Strip.

Musical performances will take place Friday and Saturday evenings from 8:00pm � 2:00am. An 'Icon Roundtable' discussion moderated by CNN�s Larry King and comprised of music legends and industry experts is set to take place earlier Saturday evening.

Also on the bill for the event are Hot Hot Heat, Juliette Lewis & The Licks, Louis XIV, The 88, Godhead and B Real of Cypress Hill, who will be joined by Slash. Additional artists are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

The complete lineup to date includes:

B Real of Cypress Hill featuring Slash
Camper Van Beethoven
Dilated Peoples
Hot Hot Heat
Juliette and The Licks
L.A. Guns featuring Jani Lane of Warrant
Louis XIV
Soul Asylum
The 88

For tickets and additional information, visit

--By our Los Angeles staff.
Find out more about NME.

Daniel Day-Lewis to present DGA award

Wicklow resident Daniel Day-Lewis has been confirmed by the President of the Directors Guild of America, Michael Apted, as one of the presenters at the upcoming DGA awards.
Day-Lewis has been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his Golden Globe winning role in 'There Will Be Blood'.
This is his fourth nomination for the accolade, which he previously won in 1990 for his performance as Christy Brown in 'My Left Foot'.
Other Oscar nominees who will join Day-Lewis in presenting the DGA awards include: Marion Cotillard, Amy Ryan, Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, Hal Holbrook and Ellen Page.
'Ocean's Eleven' star Carl Reiner will return as host for the 60th annual DGA awards. This year will mark the 21st time Reiner has hosted the ceremony, which will take place on Saturday 26 January in Los Angeles. 

Sylvain Luc and Bireli Lagrene

Sylvain Luc and Bireli Lagrene   
Artist: Sylvain Luc and Bireli Lagrene




   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 13


Unholy Ghost

Amy Winehouse chops off her beehive

Troubled star Amy Winehouse has shocked fans by chopping off her trademark beehive hairstyle.
The 'Back To Black' singer has had her hair cut into a short crop, and has swapped her formerly dark locks for a peroxide blonde hairdo.
The new style is reported to have been the work of her hairdresser Alex Foden, who lives in the same east London apartment block as Winehouse.
A source tells British newspaper The Sun, "She just said she felt like it.  She'd thought about having a blonde beehive but decided on the shorter look."
A spokesperson for the star adds, "She wanted a new look for the New Year."

Is Mischa Barton Embarrassed By Her Lesbian Movie?

Mischa Barton’s bosses are not too happy with the star, after she failed to attend a number of promotional duties for her new film You And I.

In the movie, the actress plays a Russian lesbian who falls in love at a t.A.T.u. concert, however judging by Barton’s apathy she is not pleased with the final product.

When she failed to attend the film's premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in France earlier this month, the former O.C. actress insisted she "was never due to go".

But now You And I director Roland Joffe cannot locate Barton in London to complete promo duties in the British capital.

He tells PageSix: "She hasn't pulled out of interviews, she's pulled out of everything.

“Her room is here, she is here, but trying to get the two together has just been impossible. We just don't know where Mischa is."

Black Keys

Black Keys   
Artist: Black Keys



Big Come Up   
 Big Come Up

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 14