Sunday 31 August 2008

Impotence or �to break off� in bed

U “to break off” in bed in that location is always a very real reason. And they can be fought

Offensive word “impotent man” you can forget. Now the problem with the potency Andrologists called sonorous term “erectile dysfunction”. And if doctors had earlier aim at any cost to run idle machinery, but now it is equally important - to dokopatsya reasons “to break off”.

Professor urologist-Andrologists Armais KAMALOV:

– Erectile dysfunction - the majority - not an independent disease, and concomitant factor. And 90% of patients with competent examination and treatment of the main disease can return the man’s strength and self-confidence.

In every age - their problems

Age - far from the main indicator of declining potency. Failures at the front could nakinutsya lovingly and in 18 - 20 years. Just in every age has its prevailing reasons.

Because try conditionally divided all “losers” into three groups

18 years - but no sex�

Professor of Psychiatry Michael VINOGRADOV:

– The first years of sex - is not only if buystvo hormones, but time and the final shaping of complexes and sexual preference. Up to 25 - 30 years most of the male sexuality have setbacks in psychological and vegetive basis.

Men generally more impressible, vulnerable and dependent on external circumstances. And reverence “oskandalitsya” in bed, perhaps the most authoritative men end-to-end life.

The char, even if it “headache”, “should call girlfriend” or “lacquer on the nails have not so far vysoh” - physiologically can always, even if we do non want. Man, on the contrary, even if he is hefty, may non always. In this, it is easier speaking, and there is a canonic difference in male and female sexuality.

So, the primary causes of disorders erectile function up to 30 years:

bad first experience - 50% of cases;

sexual complexes associated with excess behavior - 20%;

severe violations of metabolic process, obesity - 20%;

difficult running vegetative dystonia, a violation of circulation - 10%.

Why are men in their prime years

The second group - 40 men - 45 years. It is known that by 30 - 33 years in men already experiencing the peak of sexual activity. After 37 - 40 is its natural decline. That is, at beautiful women people still look back, but the desire to immediately “go to the numbered” no longer theoretical. Moreover, according to statistics, it is at this age for most couples accounted for the so-called “family crisis”, when the sexual feelings of spouses to each other prituplyayutsya. Do not ever forget that in 40 - 45 years old man, as a rule, “burns at work”. That is to primeshivayutsya emotional problems and even stress, and hypodynamia, and early atherosclerosis.

Generally atherosclerosis in recent years strongly pomolodel: already at 15% of young people under 30 years of age recorded vascular breach. Private phenomenon became “early” heart attacks. But “signals” about the problems with the heart and blood vessels organism can not give. And one of them - problems in bed. So if you are a man “in the prime years” and has already been noted in their potency problems, it is better to take the fullest possible survey.

The lower sugar, the higher dignity

Andrology say that the penis - a barometer, showing the overall health of men. And between what kolnulo heart the day before yesterday, and today released “reg” in bed, there is a clear link.

Here’s disease, which prevent these machi be:

Cardiovascular. Male sex organ and permeated with blood vessels. What do you want from him feats, if bad heart pump blood, and blood vessels obrastayut plaque?

Diabetes mellitus and endocrine problems. Proved that the decline of sugar from 7 to 5 mmol / L at 30% of erection and improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

Obesity. And in our country, among other things, 30% of men suffer unnecessary weight.

Being machi is never too late!

A third group - men over 50. Many believe that the loss of sexual attraction at this age - normally. That’s really not! Incidentally, at this age is very harmful sexual abstinence. A weakening of sexual function naturally, but its violation - often a sign of a serious illness. This may be the major breach in the cardiovascular system, and diabetes, and of the prostate adenoma. So that full and regular survey from Andrologists men “aged” just need.

What prevents men “aged”:

7 out of 10 men aged all over 50 years of eld suffer adenoma prostate secreter. It starts with benign prostate tumor violations urinating. In its development is characterized by simultaneous check and incontinence of piddle (ie wants badly, and may, on a bite and spontaneously). If the disease is not time to draw attention and run, it could principal to malignant entities.

Also declining sexual procedure for about 50 long time starting in men woe from diabetes. The fact is that small vessels, which ar in the lower extremities, and sexually member, diabetics have step by step ceased to function, which hampered erection.

And, of course, fears - too practically without them. Main - falling from a ticker attack, as they say, at the most interesting place. And by the way, in vain. Belgian scientists from the University of Brussels for 10 years, watched 50 manpower - 55 years, underwent heart attack. Those wHO have sexuality once a month and rarely feel worse of all, 70% of them have experient repeated heart attacks. And those wHO shortly later the hospital returned to normal, active sex life, is recovering faster.


According to statistics, 60% of cases decline in its potency through internal organs take the disease, 30% - mental and psychological problems, the odd 10% - “barilla team” of the first two.

More information

Monday 11 August 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Music Legend Isaac Hayes Dies At 65

R&B soul crooner Isaac Hayes, wHO laid the groundwork for disco and whose "Theme From Shaft" won both Academy and Grammy awards, died this afternoon after he collapsed near a treadmill, authorities said.

Hayes, 65, was pronounced dead at Baptist East Hospital in Memphis soon after he was found by his wife, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office aforesaid. The reason of death was non immediately known.

Hayes was one of the chief creative forces behind southern soul music label Stax Records, where he served as both an in-house songwriter and producer. In the recent 1960s, Hayes became a recording artist, and recorded successful soulfulness albums such as Hot Buttered Soul (1969) and Black Moses (1971) as the Stax label's premier artist.

His career collide with another high in 1997 when he became the voice of Chef, the sensible school cook and devoted ladies man on the animated TV prove "South Park."

He will be missed

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band

Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band   
Artist: Julie London with the Gerald Wilson Big Band



Feeling Good   
 Feeling Good

   Year: 1965   
Tracks: 10

